2 of March, 2017Research year: 2017
Internet usage among Hungarian SMEs

In its analysis the Institute for Economic and Enterprise Research examined the practices relating to internet usage among domestic small and medium sized companies. The analysis is based on the data of the January 2017 SME Outlook survey of 300 small and medium enterprises that have at least 20 employees. Beside the most general uses (maintaining contact with clients, maintaining an own website, administration) the Hungarian SMEs mostly use the internet to seek information. Among larger companies, among those that have foreign ownership, and among those of the commerce and manufacturing sector internet usage is more prevalent than in the case of other types of companies. 84 percent of the SMEs have an own website and these are mainly maintained by a professional. A clear evidence of the importance of internet usage among domestic companies is that 90 percent of them claim that if the internet did not work at their company for a week, it would mean a serious problem for the functioning of their businesses. At the same time however, most of the responding companies invest less than 1 percent of their income in purchasing and maintaining IT devices.

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