Monthly Bulletin of Economic Trends
IEER Monthly Bulletin of Economic Trends: December, 2014

The following brief analysis summarizes the characteristics (economic sector, company size, ownership structure and region) of firms with student apprentices contracted for training purposes. In addition, we present the recruitment intentions of the above mentioned companies for 2015 as well, from which the trend in the demand for apprentices can be inferred. The research is based on data from the 2010-2014 IEER Short-term labor market forecast study, which annually contains information from about 7,000 companies.

Based on these results, we can say that most of the firms with student apprentices contracted for training purposes are industrial companies. In addition, a relatively large number of apprentices are employed by companies that do not have foreign capital or which are located in the central region of Hungary. Results on recruitment intentions indicate that most firms with student apprentices contracted for training purposes don’t plan to change their employee numbers in 2015, therefore it is expected that the demand for student apprentices is not going to change either. Among those companies planning recruitment changes, the percentage of those that plan to increase staff is higher than those contemplating a reduction in every year between 2010 and 2014.

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